Notes from a dark future bdsmlr. only fantasies. Notes from a dark future bdsmlr

 only fantasiesNotes from a dark future bdsmlr  With your support I can create a huge amount of content that will provide you with the erotic thrills and ideas that you will want and desire

Notesfromadarkfuture Notesfromadarkfuture At the beginning of the White Decline, the U. Notes From A Dark Future . The FDR usually didn’t send out letters like this on such short notice! Re-reading the letter, Karen was mortified to note that it was post dated more than two weeks ago. Personal and historical accounts of a world where blacks rule and whites are slaves, how it is and how it came to be. Notesfromadarkfuture Promises, Promises Kaylee_kisses: Girl, you won't believe what just happened!. Kinky Books? Genderswap stories? Maledom Stories? BDSM Blogging? Embrace your Dark FantasiesEven when I'm not there to take what once was your place on the master bed, he keeps you tied to the side of it. S. Personal and historical accounts of a world where blacks rule and whites are slaves, how it is and how it came to be. Notesfromadarkfuture Notesfromadarkfuture How had it come to this? Growing up, Christy had been so sure about what it meant to be American. Personal and historical accounts of a world where blacks rule and whites are slaves, how it is and how it came to be. Notes From A Dark Future . Notes From A Dark Future . “Come on, Tara, don’t roll your eyes like that, I want a nice picture for the album!” “Mom, this is RIDICULOUS! You can’t really expect me to just stand here and let you take my picture like this!”"Look, I know the Reparation Laws aren't perfect, but what laws are, right? Sure there are some details that probably need to be ironed out, but overall I do believe that they are the best chance we have at correcting the mistakes of the past, DESTROYING white privilege and creating an equitable nation for all, and for everyone in the comments of my last. Ariel was SOOOOO envious of her master's sex slaves! Every single day she had to cook and clean, working her fingers to the bone, meanwhile these two lazy slaves lounged around waiting to be used by their owners in their kinky little sex games! And OH how she wanted to join in on those games!Notes From A Dark Future . “Great…”. “Mom, there is no way in hell I’m spending the afternoon naked in my own house because you read some. Personal and historical accounts of a world where blacks rule and whites are slaves, how it is and how it came to be. Notesfromadarkfuture Notesfromadarkfuture Missy used to be a bad little doggy. I spend a lot of time there not knowing when I'll get out. If you enjoy what I create here, you can support me at BuyMeACoffee. " "Okay, but does she usually lay out on her bed. Growing up as a little girl on a plantation, she’d actually thought it was kind of gross having to see naked caucs all over the place. Personal and historical accounts of a world where blacks rule and whites are slaves, how it is and how it came to be. <br><br> Now posting original AI art, promotions for. When the forces of the United African Military had arrived at Europe’s doorstep he had done everything in his power to avoid the draft. Personal and historical accounts of a world where blacks rule and whites are slaves, how it is and how it came to be. ) Note also the reference to "The Association for the Preservation of European Society" often, amusingly referred to in acronym form as "APES. i'd love to hear which images first led You to consider me worthy of a follow. “I know, it’s just… it just feels so weird being all naked in front of so many people like this!”Notes From A Dark Future . Holly used to be a high school Principal, now she was nothing more than a naked slave. Photos Videos Latest. Notesfromadarkfuture. When my parents heard I was bringing a black friend over, they wanted to make sure you didn't get offended, so they said we had to be all naked, you know, to show we support Reparations and we're not racist and stuff, and Lisa's plan was to just hide in her room. Personal and historical accounts of a world where blacks rule and whites are slaves, how it is and how it came to be. You'll mainly find misogyny, incest (I'm into this in terms of roleplay), degradation, rape fantasies (as well as many other dark fantasies) and transexuals/sissies on this blog. “You can ask him later, we’re in the middle of his evaluation. Notesfromadarkfuture Notesfromadarkfuture A social media post made by an enlightened white girl before the passing of the Reparation Laws. Notes From A Dark Future . . This is the place for you. Notes From A Dark Future . Send me a message if this applies to you or you wish to enquire about training. By then, all whites were slaves and the Reparation Laws had already purged. Notesfromadarkfuture Notesfromadarkfuture “Look, I don’t care what you have to do, just get me out of. S. I'm not entirely sure what I'm going to make this blog into. I'm like a classical Greek sculpture. Now that she’s all grown up and running the plantation she permits her slaves to wear limited coverings. Personal and historical accounts of a world where blacks rule and whites are slaves, how it is and how it came to be. . Some of you have seen the video trailer, some of you have been interested in this project for a while. Notes From A Dark Future . . I am a bisexual woman that loves popen-minded girls. Notesfromadarkfuture. In order to view it completely, pleaseSexy Hotwife in FLR. and we thank our master again for his wisdom and understanding. If we've posted something that you claim the copyright to, and it bothers you that we've added our own twist to it, kindly let us know and we'll delete it immediately. *Not much later* "Sorry about all of this Chad. apprehensive. Future-history fantasies about a Blacker Western World. 1) We check the notesfromadarkfuture. The black family that purchased Jayda as a slave made it clear that whenever any member of the family entered the room, she was to present herself just like this and await further instructions. . Notes From A Dark Future . Please note that this is CNC/Rape. If you don’t like what I post, leave. Notesfromadarkfuture Notesfromadarkfuture Before the Black Revolution, Marcy and her husband Steve owned and operated a successful puppy farm out in the country. Notesfromadarkfuture Notesfromadarkfuture For someone as white as Karen, working outside in the hot sun with no clothes on was a hazard, but her master insisted that she remain naked like all the. Personal and historical accounts of a world where blacks rule and whites are slaves, how it is and how it came to be. With the. You're not a free person anymore You're not even. 18+ This blog is about women in slavery and captivity. </br> Formed Over Time By The Woman I Married. I want it to show DEVOTION and THOUGHT on BLM and Black and white relations. This blog contains adult content and you're only seeing a review of it. Personal and historical accounts of a world where blacks rule and whites are slaves, how it is and how it came to be. </br> My Sexual Fantasies Are Now Rooted In The Darkness That I Feel. S. I guess your mom noticed you were liking a lot of my pics on Facebook. Oh, this?. Johnson's slave, and I will be serving you today. Nah, I don't feel sorry for her. In order to view it completely, pleaseWelcome to my personal space. I just don't think I'll ever get over it. Notesfromadarkfuture Notesfromadarkfuture “Thanks again for taking me in, Marcy. Every now and then he likes to drag his cock across your face and stuff the tip in your mouth to give you a taste. </br> She Is Uninterested In Sex, So I Find Myself In A Sexless Marriage. In order to view it completely, pleaseA Utopia or a Dystopia? It's the near future and the feminist nightmare is over. You've got nothing to worry about! You know how charming I can be. "You know, I have to admit, I was a little. Personal and historical accounts of a world where blacks rule and whites are slaves, how it is and how it came to be. Notesfromadarkfuture Notesfromadarkfuture Maria sobs quietly to herself as she’s lead naked through the park on a leash for the first time. That's your motivation to do your job, and if you try to sweet talk your way out of doing your job the way you're supposed to one more time, I've got a whip in my closet with your ass's name written all over it, you feel me? Get it through your head. She was imperious, demanding, completely full of herself and worst of all, she owed everything she had to the. Kathy couldn't believe it! She'd actually gotten the promotion! It was absolutely UNHEARD of for a white woman to get a promotion at a black owned company, much less to a managerial position! What’re you…”. Notesfromadarkfuture Notesfromadarkfuture “Come along, slave. Blogging for people into BDSM. Notes From A Dark Future . Growing up as a little girl on a plantation, she’d actually thought it was kind of gross having to see naked caucs all over the place. "Yo, what's up with your sister, bro?" "Oh, she's just mad that she has to be down here. Personal and historical accounts of a world where blacks rule and whites are slaves, how it is and how it came to be. . Ornaments: Cumulatively, probably around $150. Personal and historical accounts of a world where blacks rule and whites are slaves, how it is and how it came to be. After much careful consideration, Terry finally decided to go with the little black dress with the see through mesh back she’d purchased in Atlantic City. Notes From A Dark Future . Over 18 only, please. Notes From A Dark Future . I know we weren't really close back in high school, but you always seemed like a really nice guy. Tap dancing, ballet, singing, the works!. ” Tanya had never seen her mistresses face. Always love to hear from sane people with like. Notes From A Dark Future . "Goodbye, Violet. “Oh, alright. Where the slave catchers would look first, which little know paths to the wilderness offered the best chances of making it beyond the reach of the law. I've always had everything and always been in charge and now I have nothing and have to do everything you say. Notesfromadarkfuture Notesfromadarkfuture When Mistress Shantay bought him at. Notes From A Dark Future . bdsmlr. So smug. BLM Convert. Personal and historical accounts of a world where blacks rule and whites are slaves, how it is and how it came to be. If you're under 18 get lost. This is a blog that focuses on White men breeding women of other races not featured on the main Global White Breeding blogs. Notes From A Dark Future . Notes From A Dark Future . Notes From A Dark Future . Photos like this dominated History Text Books little more than a hundred years after the Reparations Laws were passed. . Personal and historical accounts of a world where blacks rule and whites are slaves, how it is and how it came to be. How could this have happened!? The FDR usually didn’t send out letters like this on such short notice! Re-reading the letter, Karen was mortified to note that it was post dated more than two weeks ago. She looked tired, the makeup on her face long since ruined. Notesfromadarkfuture. When the Reparation Laws were passed, Keisha was skeptical at first about how effective they would be, but as soon as she began to see the effect they were having on society, she knew the world would never be the same again. alisona742. This blog contains adult content and you're only seeing a review of it. Notesfromadarkfuture Notesfromadarkfuture Vanessa used to be a slick city girl in a smart business suit navigating the concrete canyons on her way to corporate success. Notes From A Dark Future . Notesfromadarkfuture. submissive white betaboi for BNWO. g. I expect everything to be done by the time I get home from work. “Well, they look adorable on her!”. Brusznik, had chosen the same one he had for her last weekend getaway. I know that sounds racist, but ever since the Reparation Laws were passed, I feel like every black guy looks at a white girl and immediately thinks they're just a sex object to be fucked. And don’t forget, I’ll be evaluating YOU later today, so you’d better be back at. Notesfromadarkfuture. It’s time for your morning workout. . She immediately stopped scrubbing the floors and assumed the position her master had taught her. Notes From A Dark Future . Notes From A Dark Future . Welcome to my dark side! This is my dirty little world where I get to play with my most perverted, darkest lesbian fantasies - specifically mother/daughter incest and older/younger lesbians. " This blog contains adult content and you're only seeing a review of it. A. Notesfromadarkfuture Notesfromadarkfuture Despite what one might think from a lot of the propaganda, white boys actually experienced a sudden surge of popularity immediately following the passing of. She was a rising star in the company who'd already reached middle management status and she was still a young woman with no limit to how far she might go. DM me for requests. My body is a work of art that I'm sharing with the world. Personal and historical accounts of a world where blacks rule and whites are slaves, how it is and how it came to be. She was imperious, demanding, completely full of herself and worst of all, she owed everything she had to the silver spoon that had been. Personal and historical accounts of a world where blacks rule and whites are slaves, how it is and how it came to be. Photos like this dominated History Text Books little more than a hundred years after the Reparations Laws were passed. Zack loved going to the laundromat. com. Blogging for people into BDSM. In fact, she's a lot. She’d been teaching in the public school system in America, as the rights of whites were slowly eroded by the Reparations Reforms until she found herself teaching in front of a class of all black students with no clothes on and a contract that basically made. Notesfromadarkfuture. Notesfromadarkfuture Notesfromadarkfuture Shaniqua was going through one of her old holiday photo albums when she came across this picture and she couldn’t help but smile. Personal and historical accounts of a world where blacks rule and whites are slaves, how it is and how it came to be. Hollywood had spent the better part of a century upholding the very image of white supremacy and the new laws made it incredibly difficult to produce any kind of content along the old standard lines without incurring SOME kind of legal action. " *Quickly strips off all of her clothes and kneels before her new employer* "That's better! I'm. Notes From A Dark Future . Personal and historical accounts of a world where blacks rule and whites are slaves, how it is and how it came to be. I'm still better than you. -U. The thought of that alone made her wet. </br> She Is A Totally Different Woman In Regards To Her Sexuality. com) sissyjuli. Personal and historical accounts of a world where blacks rule and whites are slaves, how it is and how it came to be. "”. Notesfromadarkfuture Notesfromadarkfuture “Welcome to Keystone Beach! Remember, White Dress Codes are in full force here, so please observe and obey the signs!” This blog contains adult content. “Well, they look adorable on her!”. Personal and historical accounts of a world where blacks rule and whites are slaves, how it is and how it came to be. Notesfromadarkfuture Cherise loved to tease the house slaves, especially when she had the house all to herself. That, combined with brains, hard work and a family name with a lot of weight had lead to a meteoric rise in local politics. The FDR usually didn’t send out letters like this on such short notice! Re-reading the letter, Karen was mortified to note that it was post dated more than two weeks ago. Most are onlineDark Desire. Nothing here yet. com and discover amanda related things. Notesfromadarkfuture Notesfromadarkfuture Mark and Theresa didn't know anything about gardening or home improvement before they were both enslaved. But in the end it didn’t matter. thanks for buying me. From a young age i realized that i was sexually inadequate, that my cock would never please anybody, and that i serve at the bottom of the sexual foodchain. Based on revised notions of white inferiority, it was held that whites were not considered mature enough to make their own decisions until they turned 21, leaving many young whites in the 18-21 year old age. What's wrong? Oh, right. You're not a free person anymore You're not even. Notesfromadarkfuture. “Don’t mom me! This young lady is a guest in MY home, and as long as you live under MY roof, you will show her the proper respect! Now, strip!”. Notesfromadarkfuture Notesfromadarkfuture Carl waited in line at the DMV. Notes From A Dark Future . Personal and historical accounts of a world where blacks rule and whites are slaves, how it is and how it came to be. Notesfromadarkfuture. Personal and historical accounts of a world where blacks rule and whites are slaves, how it is and how it came to be. “I’m sorry it has to be this way sweetie, but it’s the only way Daddy can keep his business. I'm not entirely sure what I'm going to make this blog into. Personal and historical accounts of a world where blacks rule and whites are slaves, how it is and how it came to be. Notesfromadarkfuture Notesfromadarkfuture In the early days of the Black World Order known historically as the White Decline, there came a point where work for free whites just kept getting more and. Just picked them up yesterday. It was Easter Morning, and, as usual, her black owners had retired into the house for breakfast while she was left outside to watch the kids as they hunted for Easter Eggs in the back yard. I like what I like; what I like, I post. Notesfromadarkfuture Notesfromadarkfuture As much as it sucks to have been torn away from her normal life and sold into slavery, Alissa felt it was a lucky break that she ended up on a small farm. Christmas Tree: $50. -cm (charliemarteeni@yahoo. Notes From A Dark Future . ”. If there is anything you need, or any service you require, please do not hesitate to ask. Notesfromadarkfuture Notesfromadarkfuture Zack loved going to the laundromat. Personal and historical accounts of a world where blacks rule and whites are slaves, how it is and how it came to be. Notesfromadarkfuture Notesfromadarkfuture Maggie wasn’t really into girls, but this slave’s new mistress was, and she specified that her new love toy had to know how to eat pussy. Notesfromadarkfuture Notesfromadarkfuture Thanksgiving was hard enough to get through without extra complications. Notesfromadarkfuture Notesfromadarkfuture After all of her daily chores were done, there wasn’t much for Sara to do but sit herself down by the window and wait for her master to come home. How could this have happened!? The FDR usually didn’t send out letters like this on such short notice! Re-reading the letter, Karen was mortified to note that it was post dated more than two weeks ago. Pink is her favorite color. Notesfromadarkfuture Notesfromadarkfuture "I have to say the new office looks nice! Moving in for a takeover on that white owned company was the best move you guys ever made!" "Yeah. Personal and historical accounts of a world where blacks rule and whites are slaves, how it is and how it came to be. Personal and historical accounts of a world where blacks rule and whites are slaves, how it is and how it came to be. Notesfromadarkfuture Notesfromadarkfuture The Reparations Laws gave local authorities the power to institute White Dress Codes within their jurisdiction. She sometimes wondered if she WAS a freak, if she really was a disgrace to her race and all the hard work that had gone into making them masters of the world. Daddy brought you into this world, and it's his right to take you out of it. “Oh my God!” Brian thought to himself. tumblr. Her name is Amber, and, in my estimation, she's fairly exceptional as far as slave's go. Notesfromadarkfuture Notesfromadarkfuture House Slaves performing for their owner’s guests. Specializing in hypnotherapy and couples counseling in power exchange relationships. . Ariel was SOOOOO envious of her master's sex slaves! Every single day she had to cook and clean, working her fingers to the bone, meanwhile these two lazy slaves lounged around waiting to be used by their owners in their kinky little sex games! And OH how she wanted to join in on those games! Under the Reparations Laws, black owned companies were given an incredible amount of leeway in how they treated their white employees. Personal and historical accounts of a world where blacks rule and whites are slaves, how it is and how it came to be. . Notesfromadarkfuture. Uhm, sorry Ma’am! I just needed to ask Todd a question…”. Personal and historical accounts of a world where blacks rule and whites are slaves, how it is and how it came to be. Notesfromadarkfuture Notesfromadarkfuture “When I signed away my freedom for the Voluntary Slavery Program, I thought I’d have a problem with the nudity, but honestly, you get used to it really. Blog to support the feminization of whitebois to establish a Future White, where whitebois admit to their natural urge to being humiliated, dominated, feminized and sissified by the dominant, superior Black Cock. Maybe he'll take me back if I. Mike always liked to bring his slave girl along when he went fishing. <br> <br> A place where I will post a few original photos and AI artwork, <br>but mostly some of the vast collection of photos I have that express my philosophy of training the slave male. You?” “They say I called one of my co-workers the N Word. Personal and historical accounts of a world where blacks rule and whites are slaves, how it is and how it came to be. I’ll come back later then. It took time, but eventually she became a hard worker, never shirking duty, never hesitating or resisting the will of her masters. Personal and historical accounts of a world where blacks rule and whites are slaves, how it is and how it came to be. Notesfromadarkfuture Notesfromadarkfuture It's hard to imagine there was ever a time when most houses didn't come equipped with an outdoor slave shower. Personal and historical accounts of a world where blacks rule and whites are slaves, how it is and how it came to be. This blog is not about fantasy. Notes From A Dark Future . With all of the craziness and running around of the Holiday Season, she must have simply overlooked it. Sharon loved her master dearly. In order to view it completely, pleaseJust a dominant man from the Midwest posting what turns me on and gets my blood flowing. Notes From A Dark Future . Stockings and heels. Here I mostly explore my femme Domme side. That a woman who once hunted and captured slaves for a living, is now a runaway slave herself. Mistress Fatima was an impatient, short tempered woman who made Holly’s life hell, and it galled her to be under the woman’s thumb. Notes From A Dark Future . Notesfromadarkfuture. Her wealthy family had made the foundation of it's wealth off of the backs of slaves and her family's entire empire was torn apart and doled out to the descendants of slaves as reparations. Notesfromadarkfuture. Notesfromadarkfuture White Vacation Blues “Damn, I need another drink. i love nothing more than serving for the pleasure of bratty girls, dominating Mistresses and superior Masters. Personal and historical accounts of a world where blacks rule and whites are slaves, how it is and how it came to be. Notes From A Dark Future . TAKE IT OFF! Black or white, thats what everyone is saying! All black citizens know that white nudity is an outward expression of the inferiority and. Your Royal Highness, i feel so fortunate to have You follow me Queen Dakota. Honestly, we’ll be lucky if we can keep you out of jail. Notes From A Dark Future . Notes From A Dark Future . Notesfromadarkfuture. Notes From A Dark Future . Since her whole body was plastered with cum from the guests this was probably one of the whores hired to entertain the men while they celebrated. My education in hypnosis has created asks for everything from brainwashing bimbos, Stepford Wives, to forced and refeminization. Notesfromadarkfuture. With all of the craziness and running around of the Holiday Season, she must have simply overlooked it. Personal and historical accounts of a world where blacks rule and whites are slaves, how it is and how it came to be. It gave him something pretty to look at, and an opportunity to amuse himself if he got bored. It's so much easier than life as a free white in this stupid country, and Master Tyrone makes me so much happier and more fulfilled than you ever did. <br> <br> A place where I will post a few original photos and AI artwork, <br>but mostly some of the vast collection of photos I have that express my. NotesfromadarkfutureBLM Convert. Notesfromadarkfuture Notesfromadarkfuture “Oh! Good afternoon sir. I've waited soooooo long. I want it to show DEVOTION and THOUGHT on BLM and Black and white relations. Notesfromadarkfuture Notesfromadarkfuture Kathy couldn't believe it! She'd actually gotten the promotion! It was absolutely UNHEARD of for a white woman to get a promotion at a black owned. Notes From A Dark Future . Notes From A Dark Future . I dont want it to be another interracial blog. My name is Mistress Angelique. She was a bitch before I got my hands on her. “Can we go back inside now? It’s cold out and everyone can see my dick…”. Personal and historical accounts of a world where blacks rule and whites are slaves, how it is and how it came to be. Very soon. You took my money, my career, my future, my freedom, even the clothes off my back. " Oh, definitely. Personal and historical accounts of a world where blacks rule and whites are slaves, how it is and how it came to be. This blog contains adult content and you're only seeing a review of it. . Personal and historical accounts of a world where blacks rule and whites are slaves, how it is and how it came to be. Notesfromadarkfuture. "Later, Dad! I'm heading over to the mall to hang out with Karla and. I was a mother, a wife, a worker, I was a million things to a million people and it seemed like I never had a minutes rest. alisona742. Notesfromadarkfuture. Personal and historical accounts of a world where blacks rule and whites are slaves, how it is and how it came to be. Colorized photo of a white slave enjoying a soda pop outside of her owner's restaurant. only fantasies. Tumblr porn purge refugee. In order to view it completely, pleaseWe are just a kinky couple who like to write. Trick or Treat “Trick or Treat!” “Oh, shit! I forgot it was halloween! Uhm… there’s nobody home but me and you caught me in the middle of a shower. Comic Books, for example are an often overlooked source rich in information about the zeitgeist of the era in which they were published and though they may not. Even if we went down there and told them they wouldn't believe it. Notes From A Dark Future . Colorized photo of a white slave enjoying a soda pop outside of her owner's restaurant. Notesfromadarkfuture Notesfromadarkfuture "Holy shit! What the fuck is that!?" "Oh, that's just my sister. "*Sigh* I don't know, Tamara. " "Oh, shit! She's dripping all over the stage!" "She's definitely thinking about what we're gonna do to her once she's ours. Jackson comes over. 18+ only. “Dwayne, dear, what are you waiting for? Do you want to be late for the party?” “Aren’t you forgetting something?” “I’ll put my shoes on once we get there. Notesfromadarkfuture Notesfromadarkfuture "It wasn't supposed to be like this *siff* When I surrendered myself at the FDR, the rep there made it seem like the most rational decision I could make!. By the time next Christmas rolled around, Sandra wouldn’t. Katherine had been an English teacher back in the states before the black revolution made her a slave. Notes From A Dark Future . ” “Holy shit, Mac! You didn’t tell us you got yourself a slave?”Notes From A Dark Future . Who am I? 39 yrs old Bisexual lady . Favourite Femdom Captions. She even seemed to get used to being naked all the time, even though that seemed to take the longest. I am a refugee from Tumblr – I am in the process of moving to BDSMlr. Of all my fetish tendencies, cornertime is the one which turns me on everytime. Notes From A Dark Future . Notes From A Dark Future . Notes From A Dark Future . Personal and historical accounts of a world where blacks rule and whites are slaves, how it is and how it came to be. A dark, dystopian world, filled with Femdom and Futadom action. Notesfromadarkfuture. Mistress Luwanda didn’t understand why slaves had to be naked all of the time. Hello my little cuties, this Mommy is pansexual and supportive of all types of littles! Even if I'm not your Mommy, I'm here to help so feel free to ask any questions you'd like. Drop me a note if our desires align and you want to chat especially if you're from Alberta. Notes From A Dark Future . Enjoy my sickosBack to bdsmlr. Personal and historical accounts of a world where blacks rule and whites are slaves, how it is and how it came to be.